"""GKLR kernel_matrix module."""
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List, Union
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels
from scipy.linalg import svd, eigvalsh
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans
from .logger import *
from .config import Config
from .kernel_utils import *
__all__ = ['KernelMatrix']
[docs]class KernelMatrix():
"""Class to store the kernel matrix and its associated data."""
def __init__(self,
X: pd.DataFrame,
choice_column: str,
attributes: Dict[int, List[str]],
config: Config,
Z: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
) -> None:
X: Train dataset stored in a pandas DataFrame. Shape: (n_samples, n_features).
choice_column: Name of the column of DataFrame `X` that contains the ID of chosen alternative.
attributes: A dict that contains the columns of DataFrame `X` that are considered for each alternative.
This dict is indexed by the ID of the available alternatives in the dataset and the values are list
containing the names of all the columns considered for that alternative.
config: A Config object that contains the hyperparameters of the GKLR model.
Z: Test dataset stored in a pandas DataFrame. Shape: (n_samples, n_features).
Default: None
# TODO: Check arguments
# Create a new kernel based on the kernel type selected
self._config = config
self._kernel = None
self._K = None
self.nystrom = False
self.nystrom_sampling = "uniform"
self.nystrom_compression = DEFAULT_NYSTROM_COMPRESSION
self.alternatives = []
self.n_alternatives = 0
self.K_per_alternative = dict()
self.alt_to_index = dict() # Links each alternative with an index
self.n_cols = 0
self.n_rows = 0
self.choices = None
self.choices_indices = None
self.choices_matrix = None
self.n_samples = 0
# Create the kernel matrix K
self._init_kernel_matrix(X, choice_column, attributes, Z)
def _init_kernel_matrix(self,
X: pd.DataFrame,
choice_column: str,
attributes: Dict[int, List[str]],
Z: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
) -> None:
"""Construct and store the kernel matrix K.
The kernel matrix K is constructed using the training dataset `X` and the
test dataset `Z`. The kernel matrix is stored in the attribute `self._K`.
The kernel matrix dimensions are (n_rows, n_cols), where n_rows is the
number of rows of the training dataset `X` and n_cols is the number of
rows of the test dataset `Z`. If `Z` is not provided, then `X` is used
as the test dataset and n_cols = n_rows.
If Nyström is used, the dimension of the kernel matrix is reduced to
(n_rows, nystrom_components), where nystrom_components is the number of
components (or landmarks) used for the Nyström approximation.
X: Train dataset stored in a pandas DataFrame. Shape: (n_samples, n_features).
choice_column: Name of the column of DataFrame `X` that contains the ID of chosen alternative.
attributes: A dict that contains the columns of DataFrame `X` that are considered for each alternative.
This dict is indexed by the ID of the available alternatives in the dataset and the values are list
containing the names of all the columns considered for that alternative.
Z: Test dataset stored in a pandas DataFrame. Shape: (n_samples, n_features).
Default: None
# TODO: Check that attributes contains more than 1 alternative
# TODO: Check that none alternative from attributes contains no attributes at all (giving a 0x0 matrix)
# Initialize the kernel parameters
kernel_type = self._config["kernel"]
if kernel_type is None:
msg = "Hyperparameter 'kernel' is not specified. Set to 'rbf'."
kernel_type = "rbf"
if Z is None:
# Initialize training kernel only parameters
self.nystrom = self._config["nystrom"]
self.nystrom_compression = self._config["compression"]
self.nystrom_sampling = self._config["nystrom_sampling"]
# If no reference dataframe Z is provided, then X will be the reference dataframe
Z = X
self.nystrom = False
# TODO: Implement n_jobs (parallelization)
# Store the number of samples in dataset X
self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
# Store the alternatives (classes) available
self.alternatives = list(np.fromiter(attributes.keys(), dtype=int))
self.n_alternatives = len(self.alternatives)
# Initialize a dict K that contains the kernel matrix per each alternative
self._K = dict()
# Obtain the Kernel Matrix for each choice alternative
index = 0
for alt in self.alternatives:
# Add the index of the alternative to `alt_to_index`
self.alt_to_index[alt] = index
# Obtain the list of attributes to be considered for alternative `alt`
alt_attributes = attributes[alt]
# Assign to the alternative a default kernel matrix index
self.K_per_alternative[index] = index
# Check if the kernel matrix for that alternative was already stored (same matrix)
for prev_alt in self.alt_to_index.keys():
if alt_attributes == attributes[prev_alt]:
self.K_per_alternative[index] = self.alt_to_index[prev_alt]
if self.K_per_alternative[index] == index:
# Obtain a submatrix X_alt and Z_alt from matrix X and Z, respectively,
# with only the desired alternative `alt` and the selected attributes
X_alt = X[alt_attributes]
Z_alt = Z[alt_attributes]
# Create the Kernel Matrix for alternative i
if self.nystrom:
if self.nystrom_compression <= 1 and self.nystrom_compression > 0:
nystrom_components = int(X_alt.shape[0] * self.nystrom_compression)
elif self.nystrom_compression > 1:
nystrom_components = int(self.nystrom_compression)
msg = "'compresion' hyperparameter must be a positive number."
raise ValueError(msg)
nystrom_kernel = Nystroem(kernel=kernel_type, n_components = nystrom_components,
n_jobs=self._config["n_jobs"], sampling=self.nystrom_sampling, **self._config["kernel_params"])
K_aux = nystrom_kernel.fit_transform(X_alt)
self._kernel = kernel_type_to_class[kernel_type]
K_aux = self._kernel(Z_alt, X_alt, **self._config["kernel_params"]).astype(DEFAULT_DTYPE)
self._K[index] = K_aux
index += 1
# Store the number of columns and rows on the kernel matrix
self.n_rows = self._K[0].shape[0]
if self.nystrom:
# The matrix must be symmetric
self.n_cols = self.n_rows
self.n_cols = self._K[0].shape[1]
# Store the choices per observation
self.choices = Z[choice_column]
[docs] def get_num_cols(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of columns of the kernel matrix.
Number of columns of the kernel matrix, which corresponds to the
number of reference observations.
return self.n_cols
[docs] def get_num_rows(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of rows of the kernel matrix.
Number of rows of the kernel matrix, which corresponds to the
number of observations.
return self.n_rows
[docs] def get_num_samples(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of observations in the dataset.
Number of observations in the dataset.
return self.n_samples
[docs] def get_alternatives(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the available alternatives.
A numpy array with the available alternatives. Shape: (n_alternatives,).
return np.array(self.alternatives)
[docs] def get_num_alternatives(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of available alternatives.
Number of available alternatives."""
return self.n_alternatives
[docs] def get_choices(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the choices per observation.
A numpy array with the choices per observation. Shape: (n_samples,).
if self.choices is None:
msg = "Kernel matrix not initialized."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return self.choices.to_numpy()
[docs] def get_choices_indices(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the choices per observation as alternative indices.
A numpy array with the choices per observation as alternative indices.
Shape: (n_samples,).
if self.choices is None:
msg = "Kernel matrix not initialized."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if self.choices_indices is None:
choice_indices = []
for choice in self.choices.to_list():
self.choices_indices = np.array(choice_indices)
return self.choices_indices
[docs] def get_choices_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the choices per observation as a matrix.
Obtain a sparse matrix with one row per observation and one column per alternative. A cell Z_ij of the matrix
takes value 1 if individual i choses alternative j; The cell contains 0 otherwise.
A numpy array with the choices per observation as a matrix.
Shape: (n_samples, n_alternatives).
if self.choices_matrix is None:
Z = np.zeros((self.get_num_rows(), self.get_num_alternatives()))
Z[np.arange(len(Z)), self.get_choices_indices()] = 1
self.choices_matrix = Z
return self.choices_matrix
[docs] def get_K(self,
alt: Optional[int] = None,
index: Optional[int] = None
) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[int, np.ndarray]]:
"""Returns the kernel matrix for all the alternatives, for alternative `alt`, or the matrix at index `index`.
alt: Alternative for which the kernel matrix to be returned.
index: Index of the kernel matrix to be returned.
The kernel matrix for all the alternatives, for alternative `alt`, or the matrix at index `index`.
if self._K is None:
msg = "Kernel matrix not initialized."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if index is None and alt is None:
return self._K
elif index is None and alt is not None:
if alt in self.alt_to_index.keys():
return self._K[self.K_per_alternative[self.alt_to_index[alt]]]
msg = (f"Alternative 'alt' = {alt} is not valid alternative. There is no kernel matrix "
"asociated with this alternative.")
raise ValueError(msg)
elif index is not None and alt is None:
if index < self.n_alternatives:
return self._K[self.K_per_alternative[index]]
msg = (f"'index' = {index} is not valid index. There is no kernel matrix "
"with this index.")
raise ValueError(msg)
msg = (f"The arguments 'alt' and 'index' cannot be used at the same time.")
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def dot(self,
A: np.ndarray,
K_index: int = 0,
row_indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
col_indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Implements the dot product of the kernel matrix and numpy array A.
Implements the matrix multiplication K ∙ A, where K is the kernel matrix
and A is a numpy array given as argument.
A: Numpy array to be multiplied by the kernel matrix.
Shape: (num_cols_kernel_matrix, •)
K_index: Index of the kernel matrix to be used.
row_indices: Indices of the rows of the kernel matrix to be used in
the dot product. If None, all the rows are used. Default: None.
col_indices: Indices of the columns of the kernel matrix to be used
in the dot product. If None, all the columns are used. Default: None.
The dot product of the kernel matrix and `A`.
Shape: (num_rows_kernel_matrix, •)
K = self.get_K(index=K_index)
assert isinstance(K, np.ndarray)
if self.nystrom:
# Compute the dot product using the Nyström approximation of the kernel matrix.
if row_indices is not None:
# A subset of the rows in the kernel matrix is used.
row_indices = row_indices.tolist()
B = K[row_indices, :].dot(K.T.dot(A))
elif col_indices is not None:
# A subset of the columns in the kernel matrix is used.
n_cols = col_indices.shape[0]
col_indices = col_indices.tolist()
if A.shape[0] != n_cols:
msg = (f"Error in K.dot(): "
f"The number of columns in the kernel matrix ({n_cols}) "
f"does not match the number of rows in the array A ({A.shape[0]}).")
raise ValueError(msg)
B = K.dot(K.T[:, col_indices].dot(A))
# Default case: All rows and columns are used.
B = K.dot(K.T.dot(A))
# Compute the dot product using the full kernel matrix.
if row_indices is not None:
row_indices = row_indices.tolist()
K = K[row_indices, :]
if col_indices is not None:
col_indices = col_indices.tolist()
K = K[:, col_indices]
B = K.dot(A)
return B
class Nystroem():
"""Nyström approximation of a kernel matrix.
This class implements the Nyström approximation of a kernel matrix. The
Nyström approximation is a method to approximate a kernel matrix K using a
smaller matrix, which allows to reduce the computational cost of the
kernel methods.
This class is based on the implementation of the Nyström method in the
scikit-learn library.
def __init__(self,
kernel = "rbf",
gamma = None,
coef0 = None,
degree = None,
kernel_params = None,
n_components = 100,
sampling = "uniform",
ridge_leverage_lambda = 1,
random_state = None,
n_jobs = None,
kernel: String with the name of the kernel to be used. Default = "rbf".
gamma: Kernel coefficient for "rbf", "poly" and "sigmoid". Default = None.
coef0: Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in "poly" and "sigmoid". Default = None.
degree: Degree of the polynomial kernel function ("poly"). Default = None.
kernel_params: Additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed as dictionary. Default = None.
n_components: Number of components of the Nyström approximation. Default = 100.
sampling: String with the sampling method to be used for obtaining the components for the Nyström approximation.
Default = "uniform".
ridge_leverage_lambda: Lambda parameter for the `DAC-ridge-leverage` sampling method. Default = 1.
random_state: Random state to be used. Default = None.
n_jobs: Number of jobs to be used. Default = None.
self.kernel = kernel
self.gamma = gamma
self.coef0 = coef0
self.degree = degree
self.kernel_params = kernel_params
self.n_components = n_components
self.random_state = random_state
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.sampling = sampling
self.ridge_leverage_lambda = ridge_leverage_lambda
def fit_transform(self,
y = None,
"""Fit the Nyström approximation to the data and obtain the Nyström approximation of the kernel matrix.
X: Data to be used for fitting the Nyström approximation. array-like of shape: (n_samples, n_features)
y: Target values. Default = None.
fit_params: Additional parameters to be passed to the kernel function.
The Nyström approximation of the kernel matrix.
return self.fit(X, **fit_params).transform(X)
def fit(self,
y = None,
"""Fit estimator to data.
Samples a subset of training points, computes kernel
on these and computes normalization matrix.
X: Data to be used for fitting the Nyström approximation. array-like of shape: (n_samples, n_features)
y: Target values. Default = None.
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state)
n_samples = X.shape[0]
# get basis vectors
if self.n_components > n_samples:
n_components = n_samples
msg = ("n_components > n_samples. This is not possible.\n"
"n_components was set to n_samples, which results"
" in inefficient evaluation of the full kernel.")
n_components = self.n_components
n_components = min(n_samples, n_components)
if self.sampling == "uniform":
inds = rnd.permutation(n_samples)
basis_inds = inds[:n_components]
basis = X[basis_inds]
elif self.sampling == "kmeans":
kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_components, random_state=rnd, batch_size=n_components*5, max_iter=100)
basis = kmeans.cluster_centers_
elif self.sampling == "DAC-ridge-leverage":
approx_leverage_scores = self.DAC_ridge_leverage(X, self.ridge_leverage_lambda, n_components)
# Sample n_components elements from data proportionally to these scores
p = approx_leverage_scores/np.sum(approx_leverage_scores)
selected = np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=n_components, replace=False, p=p)
basis = X[selected]
elif self.sampling == "recursive-ridge-leverage":
leverage_indices = self.recursive_ridge_leverage(X, n_components)
basis = X[leverage_indices]
msg = "{self.sampling} is not a valid sampling strategy for Nyström method."
raise ValueError(msg)
basis_kernel = pairwise_kernels(basis, metric=self.kernel,
# sqrt of kernel matrix on basis vectors
U, S, V = svd(basis_kernel)
S = np.maximum(S, 1e-12)
self.normalization_ = np.dot(U / np.sqrt(S), V)
self.components_ = basis
return self
def transform(self, X):
"""Apply feature map to X.
Computes an approximate feature map using the kernel
between some training points and X.
X: Data to transform. array-like of shape: (n_samples, n_features)
Transformed data. ndarray of shape: (n_samples, n_components)
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
kernel_params = self._get_kernel_params()
embedded = pairwise_kernels(X, self.components_,
return np.dot(embedded, np.transpose(self.normalization_))
def _get_kernel_params(self):
params = self.kernel_params
if params is None:
params = {}
return params
def DAC_ridge_leverage(self,
"""DAC ridge-leverage algorithm for Nyström approximation.
This function computes an approximation of the ridge leverage score, using a divide and conquer strategy.
Reference: Farah Cherfaoui, Hachem Kadri, Liva Ralaivola. Scalable ridge Leverage score sampling for the
Nyström method. ICASSP, May 2022, Singapour, Singapore.
Based on the implementation of the authors: https://github.com/DAC-paper/Divide_And_Conquer_leverage_score_approximation
X: Numpy array of size (n, d) where n is the number of data and d number of features.
sample_size: Size of sub-matrix.
lambda_: Regularisation term.
if lambda_ < 0:
msg = "'lambda_' parameter of DAC_ridge_leverage have to be positive."
raise ValueError(msg)
n = X.shape[0]
ind = np.arange(n)
approximated_ls = np.zeros((n))
for l in range(0, math.ceil(n/n_components)):
# Sample a subset of data
true_sample_size = min(n_components, n - l*n_components)
temp_ind = ind[l*n_components: l*n_components + true_sample_size]
# compute the kernel matrix using the subset of selected data
K_S = pairwise_kernels(X[temp_ind], X[temp_ind],
# compute the approximated leverage score by inverting the small matrix
approximated_ls[temp_ind] = np.sum(K_S * np.linalg.inv(K_S + lambda_ * np.eye(true_sample_size)) , axis = 1)
return approximated_ls
def recursive_ridge_leverage(self,
Recursive ridge leverage score sampling algorithm for the Nyström method.
This function computes an approximation of the ridge leverage score, using a recursive strategy.
Reference: Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco. Recursive Sampling for the Nyström Method. NIPS 2017.
Based on the implementation of Axel Vanraes: https://github.com/axelv/recursive-nystrom
X: Numpy array of size (n, d) where n is the number of data and d number of features.
n_components: Size of sub-matrix.
n_oversample = np.log(n_components)
k = np.ceil(n_components / (4 * n_oversample)).astype(np.integer)
n_levels = np.ceil(np.log(X.shape[0] / n_components) / np.log(2)).astype(np.integer)
perm = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
# set up sizes for recursive levels
size_list = [X.shape[0]]
for l in range(1, n_levels+1):
size_list += [np.ceil(size_list[l - 1] / 2).astype(np.integer)]
# indices of poitns selected at previous level of recursion
# at the base level it's just a uniform sample of ~ n_component points
sample = np.arange(size_list[-1])
indices = perm[sample]
weights = np.ones((indices.shape[0],))
# we need the diagonal of the whole kernel matrix
k_diag = np.ones((X.shape[0],1))
# Main recursion, unrolled for efficiency
for l in reversed(range(n_levels)):
# indices of current uniform sample
current_indices = perm[:size_list[l]]
# build sampled kernel
# all rows and sampled columns
KS = pairwise_kernels(X[current_indices,:], X[indices,:],
SKS = KS[sample, :] # sampled rows and sampled columns
# optimal lambda for taking O(k log(k)) samples
if k >= SKS.shape[0]:
# for the rare chance we take less than k samples in a round
lmbda = 10e-6
# don't set to exactly 0 to avoid stability issues
# eigenvalues equal roughly the number of points per cluster, maybe this should scale with n?
# can be interpret as the zoom level
lmbda = (np.sum(np.diag(SKS) * (weights ** 2))
- np.sum(eigvalsh(SKS * weights[:,None] * weights[None,:], eigvals=(SKS.shape[0]-k, SKS.shape[0]-1))))/k
lmbda = np.maximum(lmbda, 1e-7)
# compute and sample by lambda ridge leverage scores
R = np.linalg.inv(SKS + np.diag(lmbda * weights ** (-2)))
R = np.matmul(KS, R)
#R = np.linalg.lstsq((SKS + np.diag(lmbda * weights ** (-2))).T,KS.T)[0].T
if l != 0:
# max(0, . ) helps avoid numerical issues, unnecessary in theory
leverage_score = np.minimum(1.0, n_oversample * (1 / lmbda) * np.maximum(+0.0, (
k_diag[current_indices, 0] - np.sum(R * KS, axis=1))))
# on intermediate levels, we independently sample each column
# by its leverage score. the sample size is n_components in expectation
sample = np.where(np.random.uniform(size=size_list[l]) < leverage_score)[0]
# with very low probability, we could accidentally sample no
# columns. In this case, just take a fixed size uniform sample
if sample.size == 0:
leverage_score[:] = n_components / size_list[l]
sample = np.random.choice(size_list[l], size=n_components, replace=False)
weights = np.sqrt(1. / leverage_score[sample])
leverage_score = np.minimum(1.0, (1 / lmbda) * np.maximum(+0.0, (
k_diag[current_indices, 0] - np.sum(R * KS, axis=1))))
p = leverage_score/leverage_score.sum()
sample = np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=n_components, replace=False, p=p)
indices = perm[sample]
return indices