Source code for gklr.kernel_utils

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise

# Define constants
DEFAULT_DTYPE = np.float64
VALID_PMLE_METHODS = [None, "Tikhonov"]
SCIPY_OPTIMIZATION_METHODS = ["Nelder-Mead", "Powell", "CG", "BFGS", "Newton-CG", "L-BFGS-B", "TNC", "COBYLA", "SLSQP", "trust-constr", "dogleg", "trust-ncg", "trust-exact", "trust-krylov"]

# Create a dictionary relating the kernel type parameter to the class from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels that
# implements that kernel.
kernel_type_to_class = {"rbf": pairwise.rbf_kernel,

valid_kernel_list = kernel_type_to_class.keys()
valid_kernel_params = ["gamma"]

[docs]def convert_size_bytes_to_human_readable(size_in_bytes): """ Convert the size from bytes to other units like KB, MB or GB. Args: size_in_bytes: Size in bytes. Returns: A string with the size in bytes, KB, MB or GB.""" if size_in_bytes < 1024: return (size_in_bytes, "Bytes") elif size_in_bytes < (1024*1024): return (np.round(size_in_bytes/1024, 2), "KB") elif size_in_bytes < (1024*1024*1024): return (np.round(size_in_bytes/(1024*1024), 2), "MB") else: return (np.round(size_in_bytes/(1024*1024*1024), 2), "GB")
[docs]def elapsed_time_to_str(elapsed_time_sec: float) -> str: """Convert the elapsed time in seconds to a string with the appropriate units. Args: elapsed_time_sec: Elapsed time in seconds Returns: A string with the elapsed time in seconds or minutes. """ if elapsed_time_sec > 60: return f"{elapsed_time_sec/60:.2f} minutes" else: return f"{elapsed_time_sec:.2f} seconds"