"""GKLR optimizer module."""
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List, Union, Callable, Tuple
import sys
from time import perf_counter
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
from .kernel_utils import *
from .logger import *
[docs]class LearningRateScheduler:
"""Implements different learning rate scheduling methods."""
def __init__(self,
lr_scheduler: Optional[str] = None,
lr_decay_rate: float = 1,
lr_decay_step: int = 100,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the learning rate scheduler.
lr_scheduler: The method for the learning rate decay. Default: None.
lr_decay_rate: The learning rate decay rate. Default: 1.
lr_decay_step: The learning rate decay step for the step decay method.
Default: 100.
self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler
self.lr_decay_rate = lr_decay_rate
self.lr_decay_step = lr_decay_step
if lr_scheduler is not None and \
lr_scheduler not in ["time-based","exponential","step"]:
m = "Unknown learning rate scheduling method: {}".format(lr_scheduler)
raise ValueError(m)
def __call__(self,
learning_rate0: float,
epoch: int,
) -> float:
"""Update the learning rate.
learning_rate0: Initial learning rate.
epoch: Current epoch (iteration).
Updated learning rate.
if self.lr_scheduler is None:
return learning_rate0
elif self.lr_scheduler == "time-based":
return self._update_lr_time_based(learning_rate0, epoch, self.lr_decay_rate)
elif self.lr_scheduler == "exponential":
return self._update_lr_exponential(learning_rate0, epoch, self.lr_decay_rate)
elif self.lr_scheduler == "step":
return self._update_lr_step(learning_rate0, epoch, self.lr_decay_rate, self.lr_decay_step)
m = "Unknown learning rate scheduling method: {}".format(self.lr_scheduler)
raise ValueError(m)
def _update_lr_time_based(self,
learning_rate0: float,
epoch: int,
decay_rate: float,
) -> float:
"""Update the learning rate using the time-based decay method.
learning_rate0: Initial learning rate.
epoch: Current epoch (iteration).
decay_rate: Decay rate.
Updated learning rate.
learning_rate = learning_rate0/(1+decay_rate*epoch)
return learning_rate
def _update_lr_exponential(self,
learning_rate0: float,
epoch: int,
decay_rate: float,
) -> float:
"""Update the learning rate using the exponential decay method.
learning_rate0: Initial learning rate.
epoch: Current epoch (iteration).
decay_rate: Decay rate.
Updated learning rate.
learning_rate = learning_rate0*np.exp(-decay_rate*epoch)
return learning_rate
def _update_lr_step(self,
learning_rate0: float,
epoch: int,
decay_rate: float,
decay_step: int,
) -> float:
"""Update the learning rate using the step decay method.
learning_rate0: Initial learning rate.
epoch: Current epoch (iteration).
decay_rate: Decay rate.
decay_steps: Decay steps.
Updated learning rate.
learning_rate = learning_rate0/(1+decay_rate*np.floor(epoch/decay_step))
return learning_rate
[docs]class AcceleratedLinearSearch:
"""Class for the accelerated linear search algorithm."""
def __init__(self,
gamma: float = 1.1,
theta: float = 0.5,
max_alpha: float = 1.5,
n_epochs: int = 10,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the accelerated linear search algorithm.
gamma: The gamma parameter. Default: 1.1.
theta: The theta parameter. Default: 0.5.
max_alpha: The maximum alpha value. Default: 1.5.
n_epochs: Number of epochs in the main algorithm to perform one step
of the accelerated linear search. Default: 10.
self.gamma = gamma
self.theta = theta
self.max_alpha = max_alpha
self.alpha_t = 0
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.epoch = 0 # Current epoch
self.w_t = None # Value of the parameters at the previous iteration
[docs] def initialize(self,
y_t: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the accelerated linear search algorithm.
y_t: The value of the parameters at the current iteration.
self.alpha_t = self.max_alpha/self.gamma # Initialize the alpha value
self.epoch = 0
self.w_t = y_t # Value of the parameters at the previous iteration
[docs] def update_params(self,
fun: Callable,
y_t: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Execute the accelerated linear search algorithm and update the parameters.
fun: The objective function to be minimized.
``fun(x, *args) -> float``,
where ``x`` is the input vector and ``args`` are the additional
arguments of the objective function.
y_t: The value of the parameters at the current iteration.
*args: Additional arguments of the objective function.
The new value of the weights.
if self.w_t is None:
# The accelerated linear search algorithm has not been initialized
m = ("The accelerated linear search algorithm has not been "
"previously initialized. The algorithm has been initialized "
"with the current value of the parameters.")
return y_t
self.epoch += 1
if self.epoch == self.n_epochs:
# Execute the accelerated linear search algorithm
self.epoch = 0
# Compute a search direction
d_t = y_t - self.w_t
# Compute the function estimates
F0_t = fun(self.w_t, *args)
# Compute the step size
mu_t = self.alpha_t
delta = self.theta * np.linalg.norm(d_t, ord=2)
if F0_t - fun(self.w_t + mu_t*d_t, *args) >= mu_t*delta:
# Increase the step size while the Armijo condition is satisfied
armijo_satisfied = True
while armijo_satisfied and (self.gamma*mu_t <= self.max_alpha):
mu_t = self.gamma*mu_t
if F0_t - fun(self.w_t + mu_t*d_t, *args) < mu_t*delta:
armijo_satisfied = False
# Otherwise, decrease the step size until the Armijo condition
# is satisfied
armijo_satisfied = False
while not armijo_satisfied and (1 <= mu_t/self.gamma):
mu_t = mu_t/self.gamma
if F0_t - fun(self.w_t + mu_t*d_t, *args) >= mu_t*delta:
armijo_satisfied = True
# Update the parameters
self.alpha_t = mu_t
next_w_t = self.w_t + self.alpha_t*d_t
self.w_t = y_t
return next_w_t
# The accelerated linear search algorithm is not executed
return y_t
[docs]class MemoizeJac:
"""Decorator that caches the return values of a function returning `(fun, grad)`
each time it is called. """
def __init__(self, fun):
self.fun = fun
self.jac = None
self._value = None
self.x = None
self.minibatch = None
def _compute_if_needed(self, x, minibatch = None, *args):
# Check if the function value has already been computed for the given x
if not np.all(x == self.x) or self._value is None or self.jac is None:
self.x = np.asarray(x).copy()
if minibatch is not None:
self.minibatch = np.asarray(minibatch).copy()
self.minibatch = None
fg = self.fun(x, minibatch, *args)
self.jac = fg[1]
self._value = fg[0]
# Check if the mini-batches are the same as previous ones
if not np.all(minibatch == self.minibatch):
self.minibatch = np.asarray(minibatch).copy()
fg = self.fun(x, minibatch, *args)
self.jac = fg[1]
self._value = fg[0]
def __call__(self, x, *args):
"""Returns the the function value."""
self._compute_if_needed(x, *args)
return self._value
[docs] def derivative(self, x, *args):
self._compute_if_needed(x, *args)
return self.jac
[docs]class Optimizer():
"""Optimizer class object."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
[docs] def minimize(self,
fun: Callable,
x0: np.ndarray,
args: tuple = (),
method: str = "SGD",
jac: Optional[Union[Callable, bool]] = None,
hess: Optional[Callable] = None,
tol: float = 1e-06,
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Minimize the objective function using the specified optimization method.
fun: The objective function to be minimized.
``fun(x, *args) -> float``,
where ``x`` is the input vector and ``args`` are the additional
arguments of the objective function.
x0: The initial guess of the parameters.
args: Additional arguments passed to the objective function.
method: The optimization method. Default: "SGD".
jac: The gradient of the objective function. Default: None.
hess: The Hessian of the objective function. Default: None.
tol: The tolerance for the termination. Default: 1e-06.
options: A dictionary of solver options. Default: None.
A dictionary containing the result of the optimization procedure:
fun: The value of the objective function at the solution.
x: A 1-D ndarray containing the solution.
success: A boolean indicating whether the optimization converged.
message: A string describing the cause of the termination.
if method is None:
# Use the default method
method = "SGD"
if options is None:
# Use the default options
options = {}
if tol is not None:
options.setdefault('gtol', tol)
# TODO: Currently, the tolerance is not used by any optimization method
if callable(jac):
elif jac is True:
# fun returns the objective function and the gradient
fun = MemoizeJac(fun)
jac = fun.derivative
elif jac is None:
jac = None
# Default option if jac is not understood
jac = None
# TODO: Hessians are not implemented yet
# Initialize the learning rate scheduler
if "learning_rate_scheduler" in options:
learning_rate_scheduler = options["learning_rate_scheduler"]
if learning_rate_scheduler is not None and not callable(learning_rate_scheduler):
msg = (f"'learning_rate_scheduler' = {learning_rate_scheduler} is not a valid function.\n"
f"Valid functions are: callable.")
raise ValueError(msg)
elif "lr_scheduler" in options:
# Load the user-defined parameters
lr_scheduler = options["lr_scheduler"]
decay_opts = {}
if "lr_decay_rate" in options:
decay_opts["lr_decay_rate"] = options["lr_decay_rate"]
if "lr_decay_step" in options:
decay_opts["lr_decay_step"] = options["lr_decay_step"]
learning_rate_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(lr_scheduler, **decay_opts)
options["learning_rate_scheduler"] = learning_rate_scheduler
# Set parameters for the AcceleratedLinearSearch
if "accelerated_linear_search" in options:
if options["accelerated_linear_search"] is True:
# Load the user-defined parameters
als_options = {}
if "als_gamma" in options:
als_options["gamma"] = options["als_gamma"]
if "als_theta" in options:
als_options["theta"] = options["als_theta"]
if "als_max_alpha" in options:
als_options["max_alpha"] = options["als_max_alpha"]
if "als_n_epochs" in options:
als_options["n_epochs"] = options["als_n_epochs"]
accelerated_linear_search = AcceleratedLinearSearch(**als_options)
options["accelerated_linear_search"] = accelerated_linear_search
options["accelerated_linear_search"] = None
if method == "SGD":
# Use the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent method
res = self.minimize_mini_batch_sgd(fun, x0, optimizer="SGD", jac=jac, args=args, **options)
elif method == "momentumSGD":
# Use the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent method with momentum
res = self.minimize_mini_batch_sgd(fun, x0, optimizer="momentumSGD", jac=jac, args=args, **options)
elif method == "adam":
# Use the mini-batch Adam method
res = self.minimize_mini_batch_sgd(fun, x0, optimizer="adam", jac=jac, args=args, **options)
msg = (f"'method' = {method} is not a valid optimization method.\n"
f"Valid methods are: {CUSTOM_OPTIMIZATION_METHODS}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
return res
[docs] def minimize_mini_batch_sgd(self,
fun: Callable,
x0: np.ndarray,
jac: Optional[Callable] = None,
optimizer: str = "SGD",
args: tuple = (),
learning_rate: float = 1e-03,
mini_batch_size: Optional[int] = None,
n_samples: int = 0,
beta: float = 0.9,
beta1: float = 0.9,
beta2: float = 0.999,
epsilon: float = 1e-08,
learning_rate_scheduler: Optional[Callable] = None,
accelerated_linear_search: Optional[AcceleratedLinearSearch] = None,
maxiter: int = 1000, # Number of epochs
print_every: int = 0,
seed: int = 0,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Minimize the objective function using the mini-batch stochastic
gradient descent method.
fun: The objective function to be minimized.
``fun(x, *args) -> float``,
where ``x`` is the input vector and ``args`` are the additional
arguments of the objective function.
x0: The initial guess of the parameters.
jac: The gradient of the objective function. Default: None.
optimizer: The variant of the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent
method to be used. Default: "SGD".
args: Additional arguments passed to the objective function.
learning_rate: The learning rate. Default: 1e-03.
mini_batch_size: The mini-batch size. Default: None.
n_samples: The number of samples in the dataset. Default: 0.
beta: The momentum parameter. Default: 0.9.
beta1: The exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates
(gradients) in the Adam method. Default: 0.9.
beta2: The exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates
(squared gradients) in the Adam method. Default: 0.999.
epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability in the Adam method.
Default: 1e-08.
learning_rate_scheduler: A function that computes the learning rate
at each iteration. Default: None.
accelerated_linear_search: An instance of the AcceleratedLinearSearch
class. If None, the accelerated linear search is not used.
Default: None.
maxiter: The maximum number of iterations or epochs. Default: 1000.
print_every: The number of iterations to print the loss. If 0,
the loss is not computed. If -1, the loss is computed at each
iteration but not printed. If -2, the loss and time per iteration
are computed but not printed. Default: 0.
seed: The seed for the random number generator. Default: 0.
**kwards: Additional arguments passed to the objective function.
A dictionary containing the result of the optimization procedure:
fun: The value of the objective function at the solution.
x: A 1-D ndarray containing the solution.
jac: The gradient of the objective function at the solution.
nit: The number of iterations.
nfev: The number of function evaluations.
success: A boolean indicating whether the optimization converged.
message: A string describing the cause of the termination.
history: A dictionary containing the loss history.
# Checking errors
if not callable(fun):
m = "The objective function must be callable."
raise ValueError(m)
if learning_rate <= 0:
m = "The learning rate must be greater than zero."
raise ValueError(m)
if mini_batch_size is not None and mini_batch_size <= 0:
m = "The mini-batch size must be greater than zero."
raise ValueError(m)
if n_samples <= 0:
m = ("The number of samples in the dataset must be greater than zero"
" and corresponds with number of rows in the dataset.")
raise ValueError(m)
if mini_batch_size is not None and mini_batch_size > n_samples:
m = "The mini-batch size must be less than or equal to the number of samples in the dataset."
raise ValueError(m)
if maxiter <= 0:
m = "The maximum number of iterations (epochs) must be greater than zero."
raise ValueError(m)
if jac is None:
# TODO: Implement the gradient-free optimization method using 2-point approximation
m = "The gradient of the objective function must be provided."
raise ValueError(m)
# Initialize parameters
num_epochs = maxiter
learning_rate0 = learning_rate # Initial learning rate
n, = x0.shape
g = np.zeros((n,), np.float64)
v = np.ndarray(0, np.float64)
s = np.ndarray(0, np.float64)
t = 0 # Adam counter
if optimizer == "SGD":
elif optimizer == "momentumSGD":
# Initialize velocity
v = np.zeros((n,), np.float64)
elif optimizer == "adam":
# Initialize velocity (v) and the square of the gradient (s)
v = np.zeros((n,), np.float64)
s = np.zeros((n,), np.float64)
if accelerated_linear_search is not None:
# Initialize the accelerated linear search
history = {
"loss": [],
"time": [],
message = "Optimization terminated successfully."
success = True
# Optimization loop
x = x0
epoch = 0
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
epoch_init_time = 0
if print_every == -2:
# Store the time at the beginning of the epoch
epoch_init_time = perf_counter()
if mini_batch_size is None:
# Use the entire dataset as the mini-batch (batch gradient descent)
minibatches = [None]
# Define the random mini-batches. Increment the seed to reshuffle differently at each epoch
seed += 1
minibatches = self._random_mini_batch(n_samples, mini_batch_size, seed=seed)
diff = np.zeros((n,), np.float64)
epoch_loss = 0
for minibatch in minibatches:
# Compute the loss of the mini-batch if it is required
if print_every < 0 or (print_every > 0 and epoch%print_every == 0):
epoch_loss += fun(x, minibatch, *args)
# Compute the gradient
g = jac(x, minibatch, *args)
# Update the parameters
if optimizer == "SGD":
x = self._update_parameters_SGD(x, g, learning_rate)
elif optimizer == "momentumSGD":
x, v = self._update_parameters_momentumSGD(x, g, v, learning_rate, beta)
elif optimizer == "adam":
t = t + 1 # Adam counter
x, v, s = self._update_parameters_adam(x, g, v, s, t, learning_rate, beta1, beta2, epsilon)
m = f"Optimizer '{optimizer}' is not supported."
raise ValueError(m)
# Linear search acceleration
if accelerated_linear_search is not None:
x = accelerated_linear_search.update_params(fun, x, *args)
# Update the learning rate
if learning_rate_scheduler is not None:
learning_rate = learning_rate_scheduler(learning_rate0, epoch)
# Print the average loss of the mini-batches if it is required
if print_every < 0 or (print_every > 0 and epoch%print_every == 0):
if print_every == -2:
# Store the time consumed by the epoch
history["time"].append(perf_counter() - epoch_init_time)
if print_every > 0:
# Print the loss at the current epoch
print(f"\t* Epoch: {epoch}/{num_epochs} - Avg. loss: {epoch_loss:.4f}")
epoch += 1
if epoch >= num_epochs:
success = True
return OptimizeResult(x=x, fun=fun(x,*args), jac=g, nit=epoch, nfev=epoch,
success=success, message=message, history=history)
def _update_parameters_SGD(self,
x: np.ndarray,
g: np.ndarray,
learning_rate: float,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Update the parameters using the mini-batch SGD method."""
return x - learning_rate * g
def _update_parameters_momentumSGD(self,
x: np.ndarray,
g: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray,
learning_rate: float,
beta: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Update the parameters using the momentum mini-batch SGD method."""
# Update the velocity
v = beta*v + (1-beta)*g
# Update the parameters
x = x - learning_rate*v
return x, v
def _update_parameters_adam(self,
x: np.ndarray,
g: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray,
s: np.ndarray,
t: int,
learning_rate: float,
beta1: float,
beta2: float,
epsilon: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Update the parameters using the mini-batch Adam method."""
# Update the velocity
v = beta1*v + (1-beta1)*g
# Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate
v_hat = v / (1-np.power(beta1,t))
# Update the squared gradients
s = beta2*s + (1-beta2)*np.power(g,2)
# Compute bias-corrected second raw moment estimate
s_hat = s/(1-np.power(beta2,t))
# Update the parameters
x = x - learning_rate*v_hat/(np.sqrt(s_hat)+epsilon)
return x, v, s
def _random_mini_batch(self,
n_samples: int,
mini_batch_size: int,
seed: int = 0,
) -> List[np.ndarray]:
Generate a list of random minibatches for the indices [0, ..., n_samples - 1]
indices = np.random.permutation(n_samples)
mini_batches = []
for i in range(0, n_samples, mini_batch_size):
mini_batch = indices[i:i + mini_batch_size]
# Sort the indices of each mini-batch to improve memory access time
return mini_batches